viernes, 3 de julio de 2020

Blog 4: My favorite music band

Hi  friend´s!!!!

Today I´m going to talk to you about my favorite band for years…

The band is English, it belongs to Brit pop and is an alternative rock. It started in 1995, but his current vocalist Tom Chaplin joinded in 1997. The name of the band is made up of "The Lotus Eaters" and "Cherry Keane".

I remember that in 2004 I listened to “somewhere only we now” nowadays, this songs is one of my favorites songs,  and it was enough to never stop listening to them; In addition, my brother is also a fan, so it is something that unites us.

On November 25, 2019, in their “cause and effect latin american tour” we were able to see them live at the caupolican theater, we were very close to them. It was so emotional, a dream come true. 

3 comentarios:

  1. Hey Camila, can you believe I didn't know this band??, it's great to know a little more about music, I'll look for some songs from this band and see what's up.

  2. My friend!! I really love that song, it´s so beautiful!. I´m very happy for you that you could saw them.

  3. Show that you are very fond of that band
    I'm going to listen to hear your recommendation now!
